타이완의 Apple.pro reports사이트에서, 애플은 3개의 서로다른 아이폰 5 프로토 타입을 테스팅 하고 있다고 말했다. 그리고 그중에는 슬라이드-아웃 키보드 기기도 있었다.
There are three iPhone5 prototype
one is a sliding cover which
Is the introduction of the keyboard after the side cover
변역: 3개의 아이폰5의 프로토 타입중 하나는 슬라이딩 커버이다.
그것은 측면 커버에 키보드가 도입된 것이다.
one is a sliding cover which
Is the introduction of the keyboard after the side cover
변역: 3개의 아이폰5의 프로토 타입중 하나는 슬라이딩 커버이다.
그것은 측면 커버에 키보드가 도입된 것이다.
As for claims of a slide-out keyboard, the rumor seems incongruous with Apple's devotion to multi-touch functionality with on-screen virtual keyboards. Normally, we would simply cast such suggestions aside, but Apple.prohas a strong track record of providing leaked information from Apple's product pipeline. Most recently, the siteposted photos of a small Apple-branded touchscreen that appeared a few months later in the company's latest iPod nano.
The site also notes several times that these are prototypes, suggesting that the model sporting a slide-out keyboard could simply a design put together by Apple for the purposes of testing out various form factors, and may never be intended for a public release.
Today's report from Apple.pro also reiterates ongoing claims that the next-generation iPad will be thinner and will carry at least one built-in camera.
The site also notes several times that these are prototypes, suggesting that the model sporting a slide-out keyboard could simply a design put together by Apple for the purposes of testing out various form factors, and may never be intended for a public release.
Today's report from Apple.pro also reiterates ongoing claims that the next-generation iPad will be thinner and will carry at least one built-in camera.
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